How was your week?
It was super good! We worked super hard... I was out Friday Saturday and Sunday and today from working. And our numbers and everything dropped a tonBut like every single baptismal date fell.... We have like amazing leaders... President Klein talked to hno Melvin in the conference and he asked to sit and chat with him... He talked with him for an hour and a half and told us wow he's going to be a great leader in the future... HEh!! All of our investigators will be huge leaders in this ward.. but they just take soo much time... man... it's frustrating... I won't see the results but they are amazing people..Melvin and Yulisa... They are praying super hard... They are reading... we put a goal with them to read the whole book of mormon before the year ends... we know itll be hard... but itll be way worth it... And they are so amazing they went to conference and Melvin went to the priesthood session... man they are great people. It's just so weird. They are great.Jorge and Yenni there isn't a lot of progress this week.... Just keep coming... and they will get there.Nelson, a kid we found, is amazing.. He just loves church and everything. He came to the conference and he just feels that its true... Like we taught him The plan of salvation and he loved it. Now we just need to finish it up and get him baptized... Cause man he will help the people a ton.We found 2 more, Sulma and Roger... They just don't understand... Heh... it's so hard... So we will see how it goes..I love the gospel.. It's been rough. I hate not being able to work. It's just like the worst feeling. I hate it but I know i deserve it hahaha. I literally hate resting and God wants to teach me to be humble cause I worked when I was sooo sick and now I can't work or it'll get way worse.. ugh... I hate that soo much... I know that this is just a trial though..How did you like conference?
I loved it! Man so powerful...I loved it... President Monson... Heh... he's not looking good though, but hes' the prophet.. I loved Elder David A Bednar getting up and just machetting everyone for saying that they werent capable cause they aposteles are too old... heh... I loved it... man... I know that they are so inspired... But it was amazing.What was your favorite talk?I loved Elder Holland. Man I love my mom. I really never understood why my mom always was like super worried about everything until now. Man it makes you really appreciate your mom when you no longer live with your parents and have to do a bunch of things on your own.And I loved Elder Martino... and Elder Nelsons, it was a powerful conference.. All of the talks were awesome.Did you get to listen to priesthood session?
Yes in the stake center we heard it... I loved it so much... Man it was weird it ended early and it was a huge machete... heh... crazy... faith and following the commandments.Did you get your toenail pulled off? How is the toe doing?Yes... it's alright we have to clean it but it just wont heal... I hate... cleaning it... it hurts sooo bad... like sooo bad... ugh... I dont know how to explain how bad it hurts.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Pulled my Toenail Off, I Hate Not being Able to Work! October 5, 2015
Monday, October 5, 2015
We Had a Super Amazing Lesson about the Plan of Salvation. September 28, 2015
How was your week?
It was a great week... A bit slower... But it was a good week.. We worked our butts off... And I just don't want to be a ZL or anything at all. I just want to teach and baptize. That is where it's at.
Noe Y Marie.. They will not come to church!! We like had a super amazing lesson about the plan of salvation and they feel that it is true... Like 100 percent... but they wont make the changes to come to church... They literally told us that they know that they have heard of the plan before hand... and they they heard it before this life... and we were like yes its so true!! and they were like yes we want to come to church and everything!! Ok! Then they don't come!! But they read and everything... ugh... so frustrating... but we can't drop them cause they are reading and praying and like they feel our message is true.
Andrez and Tereza... heh... We talked about how families can only be together forever if they are sealed in the Temple and to a married family... and all of the sudden there minds like Andrez got super interested like what? only if we are married? So we are praying something touched his heart... it'd be so amazing if that was the case... So we will find out soon enough.
We found a lady named Fransisca... Shes way cool she didn't want to come to church for her neighbor who is a member of the church. But we came and we got her to go to church... so that was amazing... and her whole family now is interested in our message... she was telling us that before missionarys had visited her but she never wanted to go to church... but now she thinks that she will.
Melvin and Yulisa... we found out some bad news... that Melvin is married in the united states so we will have to wait a long long time so that they can get divorced and everything so that we can get them married and baptized and such. Maybe this will be a blessing for them to get deeper testimony of the gospel.
Santos a guy we have been teaching... but he has a problem with his skin... where he can't go out in the sun too long right now... like I'm confused of what's going on... and he's like never wanting to go to church... so thats rough... but he came to church this Sunday and that was super cool... He really liked it... let's just pray he keeps listening and applying the things we teach him... he reads... and prays... but he just like needs to better apply the things to really recieve help with his problems.
Naum... Joanna... and mario... they are amazing... but like they just won't come to church... joanna is less active but they want answers to their prayers... and they just wont show there faith... GOD CAN'T respond if we don't do our part... Ether 12 6... God will give us a testimony after the trial of faith not before. So we are trying to help them have the faith...
Wendy and Karli have a bunch of problems and stuff but they will not come to church either... they are super great and everything... Next steps is to go to church and demonstrate their faith and repentance.
Jorge and Jenni... the divorce is coming along... but man... they are going to be great leaders in the church... they just have to keep putting in there part... they are so excited to go to the Temple and everything... so thats amazing... they want to be sealed for time and all eternity man... I'm so excited for that... Man... I'm SO EXCITED
Mario my convert is getting reaady to go to the Temple he still walks to church to this day!!! After the blessing we gave him!!!
Eduardo Maria and Saul... Eduardo is blessing the sacrament and getting ready to go to the Temple also!!! So freaking awesome!! man I'm so excited!!
How much longer to you have till transfers?
Yeah... well... 3 weeks... ugh...Worse... I think im going to have them take it out on Friday... so that Saturday and Sunday I can't walk... so we can watch conference and such... then I'll be all set.
Yes... everything is good... we are close to everything here...
Church was so good... We had 88 people at church... 11 investigators...WOOT!!! Y super bien. algunas no quieren venir... entonces mucho mas trabajo para hacer!!
In the stake center...
Jorge And Jenni's Son passed the Sacrament Sunday! September 21, 2015
How was your week?
It was just so fast... Goodness time is flying.. We had a meeting in San Pedro for the trainers.... All I wanted to do is train... but it's just more meetings and less time working... So I changed my mind -- just give me someone that has a lot of time and lets go to work.
Well.... Melvin and Yulisa.... Yep I really live in the most dangerous place in the world... Melvin we found out a lot of things... Hes sooo pilus hes really searching to change his life... so I've had to call President a few times this week about this investigator.
Jorge and Jenni they are so pilus.. But their son - Sunday, Passed the sacrament!! That was awesome... Kevin he's 12 we baptized him! So thats always awesome...!! And after there was a priesthood meeting IN THE POURING RAIN... and when it rains in a tropical place like Honduras it rains... lol.
Kevin our recent convert his family has NEVER been interested... but yesterday we went and Kevin wasn't there only his sister... Vilma and so we talked to her for a bit shes 24... we taught her the Restoration and she was like WOW I know its true... so we put a baptismal date with her... and she accepted! So we are doing really good! We didn't have any dates like a bunch of baptisms fell... but God now will bless us with more... cause we are working hard to spread his word.
Neil... . he knows 0 spanish.. but he goes to church and stuff.. SO I have to translate and everything... And he has 0 knowledge of God... so it's super weird... and teaching in english man I cant speak english let alone teach... but the spirit helps and my comp did the first vision and everything and he likes it alot... he has a baptismal date for the 17th of October.
Tereza and Andrez they are still coming to church and everything but not tons of progress we only visit them once a week to keep them coming to church until they feel like they must get married.. We have tried everything... now its just time and their faith.
Giriel and his sister... They are getting along great... they should get baptized we just need permision... I'm trying to learn a little bit of another language but its sooo hard... so I dont know... it's sooo hard... They have accepted everything we are just working with them recieving and answer.
OTONIEL.... man i HAVE THEE WORST LUCK... he's moving to Tegucigalpa and he will be baptized there... but he's sooo pilus... it'll be good for him... he's a great kid... he loves the Book of Mormon... he really has a strong relationship with God.
The mosquitos... Anna and Usalio... we don't think they will be baptized. They aren't interested in learning the gospel. Maybe just want stuff.
Noe and Mari didn't come to church and that was super frustrating... but they want to go super bad... so we are going to see what happened... man soo frustrating... they are soo amazing but just won't go to church..
They have a desire to know the truth and everything.... UGH.
What is your day today looking like? Anything fun planned?
LOTS of Rain... Rain boots and everythng... We just slept... and we ate BK... what we do usually... Got to work hard!!
Is the weather cooling down any yet there?
Yes... but tons and tons of rain... so it's fun... it's just like last year... heh... but I like it... cause the people let us in more...
How are the feet & toenail?
They are doing tons better... tons tons...
Are your new shoes broken in now?
Yes... walking in water up to your knees breaks them in...
How are your families?
They are great!
Do you talk with President Klein much?
Not really... like every 3 months.
They Had Nothing! September 14, 2015
It was a great week... We had some great success... Man I love my mission so much... It's getting faster and better every week... Man my comp and I get along great...
Melvin and Yulisa... Well they are doing so great... Man they are going to be amazing members if they get baptized... Melvin is thee craziest guy i've ever met... But he like has a white shirt and tie... he has a fecha bautismal.. and everything... they want to get married... if they just keep the habit of reading the Book of Mormon and praying they will be fine.
Jorge and Jenni... Problems, Just with work... with papers... Jorge his ex wife... got robbed and all her papers and stuff got stolen so we have to wait until she gets her ID again... man... so many problems.
Then Otoniel he's ready for baptism... the only problem is just time... he has to go to church a few more times... but he might go to Tegucigalpa to live there... so we might not baptize him... man... rough... But he's an amazing guy... Super smart.
We found a family of Mesquitos... and they just came from the Mosquitia and they had nothing... we found them and visited them... They got robbed and are living in a dilapidated house that someone brought them too... and like man they are having a rough time.. We brought them to church and they hadn't eatin in 3 days... and he got up and asked for food... and it was a mess but really we feel good about them... they are married and have a real interest the guy is searching for a job and is willing to do anything... And wow... hes a great guy.
Then we found a young man. Their family speaks a different dialect also.. so we found a kid 15 years old... a super strong spirit... we taught him about lesson one and he felt the spirit so strong... he came to church also... he wants to get more involved witht he jovens... so we are working with that... He is really shy but loves soccer.
We had a good showing at church 90 people with 11 investigators...
But we had a gringo there that can't speak spanish soI translated the WHOLE meeting to him.. he said he's never learned so much.. he said he really likes it also... man he's a good guy... he's from Louisiana and so we are teaching him in english he's a good guy... man... translating is difficult though.
Did you get your toenail ripped off? How is it feeling?
Nope... but its alright... still walking and such.. ugh.. maybe have to have it done soon.
How are the inactive people coming along - any new ones?
Joanna and her family we have a noche de hogar tonight they are great... just it' s hard...
How about new investigators?
Noe and Mari... they have a baptismal date and are getting ready they are amazing they are searching for the truth we watched the movie the restoration and they wow... so spiritual... it'll be amazing... They will get baptized they are reading and praying they haven't been to church yet... but i feel their desire... I love them.
This is all for today... Me and my comp love the mission we are up till late laughing every night hahahaha... man and we work our tails off...
The Lights Went out From 6PM Saturday to 10AM Sunday. September 7, 2015
Super good... We worked our tails off again!! But little success... Like I just get frustrated inside sometimes.
But our investigators are good... this week at church... ugh...
Saturday at 6PM the lights went out in ALL of la ceiba until 10AM in the morning Sunday... man it was like living in hell... IT WAS SO HOT... 0 sleep and nobody came to church.. the attendance was 65 and 2 investigators at church.... holy cow... And my comp was snoring last night at like 9 o'clock... holy cow... He snored soooo loud.
Jorge and Jenni didn't come cause they were sooo tired... but they are working super hard... so it'll be they are going to be amazing leaders in the church. The bishop is awesome.
We also are teaching a guy in english named Jose Luis... I can't speak english... I get lost... hahaha... I don't know it's hard... But he's super awesome.. he wants to come to church and get baptized hes going up to the states in October. So we had to move his baptismal date... to the 18th of October, so we will see. I think he knows that the church is true, he reads a lot.
Otoniel.... He was close to baptism... but hes moving to Tegucigalpa... So..... there goes all of our baptisms.... man... ugh... but its alright... we will find more... HE'S so smart... like he just understands things... He reads and stuff... but hes not very social.. so we are working with him still to prepare him..
We are teaching 2 ... Karli (husband) and Wendy, they are super awesome, they speak spanish and the other language, they are super amazing! They will come to church next week. They can't read super well in spanish but they at least try and we know God will bless them... They are really interested in our message.
Mario he's a cool guy, his family of a menos active... and they don't want to come to church... but we are working with them... so let's pray that it comes through.
Then... we are working with... Carolina... She is super amazing but she studies on Sunday in the University... man we just have awesome people with problems.
Melvin and his wife - he's been changing but his wife isnt being super supportive yet... but hes doing amazing... so we are working super hard with him... And we are working on marriage and stuff... So that he can be baptized.
Are you better today from being sick last week?
I'm a bit better... I got sick yesterday... cause only 3 hours of sleep I had a fever but today im better.... man it's just been a rough go lately. It will improve...
Are you still in the same area?
Do you still have the same companion?
How is Otoniel this week? Any closer to baptism?
ugh... nope a bit further - he didn't come to church because there wasn't light and so no.
Did your ingrown toenail fix itself or is it still bad?
Yo Y Mi Casa Serviremos a Jehova'! Me and My House Will Serve the Lord! August 31, 2015
It was long... I got stung by a bug this week... then I got super sick... it could have been from the bug... I had like a 102 fever and stuff... I didn't sleep all day.
Church... oh my goodness... so rough... we had 69 persons at church... and 5 investigators... man so rough... we had a couple Andrez and Tereza... and Fernando and Otoniel... and Gerrardo...
Otoniel is sooo awesome... he's mesquito.. he's 17 man hes awesome... he is sooo smart... He loves to read and study... and he loves church... man he wants to get baptized... he's super spiritual... so when he prays you feel the spirit really strong... we feel like he really has a relationship with our Heavenly Father... so this is super exciting... and he says he doesn't have many friends but we are getting him to go to seminary and he is loving it now... and he will get some friends.
Jorge and jenni... jorge no podia ir a la iglesia el domingo... He was working... he went and got some of his papers though... so that's amazing. Now the process is really starting, so we are going to get them baptized. Man he loves going to institute and he takes his kid to seminary and sits and listens cause he feels the spirit so strong.. Jenni she is way awesome - she always comes to church, we are working super hard with her.
And wow Jorge did a prayer in a lesson... man so powerful... I teared up a bit... the spirit was so strong as he prayed for his family and expressed his love for them and us... and the message and happiness we have brought into there life, that Heavenly Father brought into their life.
We found a guy named Noe and his sister Mary... Noe has 35 years old and his sister is like 18... and we taught them all of lesson one... MAN they LOVED it... they couldn't come to church this week but we have an appointment today. So we will see. I think they will be baptized to; they said yes they want to come to church so we will see.
Did some of your people come through with baptisms?
We only ended up with 3 this change... we had Kevin... Kevin and Jennifer... but I pray I don't have transfer... so rough.
What is Jorge going to do for a job now? What did he do for a job before he quit?
He doesn't know yet... he just is like an odd jobs guy... before he cooked chicken on Friday Saturday and Sunday. but he quit... so we will see what he does.. heh... rough... but now searching.
Did anyone get their marriages through?
Nope... just working on them still.
Will you be staying in your area? Will you be staying with the same comp?
It's Crazy.. I just Don't want to get Prideful! August 24, 2015
How was your week?
Super super fast!! Man... we worked our tails off.. It's crazy.... i just don't want to get prideful... But man I love the mission...I love the work!
Jorge and Jenni...they are progressing super well... Jorge told us he quit his job so he could start to coming to church every week... WOW he hadn't ever been to church but he quit so he could come cause he knows God will provide for himand his family! Man such a huge testimony and he LOVED church when he came... man they are so amazing... They will be such good members!
Fernando y Elena are working to get there papers this week... so that they can get married soon... hopefully this week.... but we will see... If not then in the up coming weeks... They love the church they always come and we haven't been visiting them regularly... so we need people to visit them without us there... man it's amazing.
We found a family that was going to church for 4 years... but never got baptized... and now they are going to another church... wow... I felt the spirit talk through me... I told them about the Temples on there front porch that this is the only church in the whole world that you can be sealed to your family... and the family looked at me and just said that they knew it was true. I hope they will come to church.
We found a less active member, 2 actually... the man served a mission and now is in-active for 8 years and his wife... and it was over some fight that occurred years ago... so we are now working with them.
Then we found another lady... she's in active... and she is living with someone and we are going to start to work with them... they are amazing as well. We will see. Her dad was the branch president like 5 years ago.. and she left and never got sealed to her we are working with the wife and husband now.
I'de say our mission is one of the hardest cause of one thing. Like everyone has way great ideas to work with menos actives.. But NOBODY knows where they live... cause directions dont exsist here........ hahahaha
Melvin and Julie... They are amazing also.. he comes to church and he wants to change... he prays and reads. The issue is his wife; like she doesn't want him to change and doesnt believe he can change. But she wants to be a member of the church also... she just doesn't have any faith in her husband.
We have been searching a lot for new investigators... but nobody really prepared so far... so it's a bit rough... oh well... just keep searching for the sheep.
How many more weeks till transfers ?
Next week...
How was church?
Good!! we had 11 people at church... we have like 15 more people at church then when I started here... about 85... so thats good... but its just like someday's people come and others no... ugh. I'm trying to learn patience.
Wow!!! so Eduardo from my last area and Mario are going to the temple in 2 months... they would have gone this month but they canceled a bus.... so thats amazing!!!
Is your health good?
2 Baptisms Kevin and Jennifer! So Great!! August 17, 2015
How was your week?
Holy cow... the weeks are flying... it's scary... heh! I wake up and its PDay... I hate it... hahaha...
I love working.
2 baptisms... we had Kevin and Jennifer... they had Elder Lucero... mi hijo... Bautizar a ellos... y este fue super bueno... whoa... oops... but we had tons of support from our leaders... like everyone came to the baptism... we had like the whole ward... Man so amazing... And Jorge came in like full church clothes... he had a tie and everything... so amazing...and Jenni are so awesome.. but wow.. And they came to church... and we taught the family about the Temple and how they can be sealed for time and all eternity and they loved it so much... They are so excited... So we are praying that it'll all turn out...Jorge and Jenni just need to go get the papers.. But he hasn't gone to get them... he always say's he will and he's so excited. Fingers are crossed.
Luis... a kid who is 15 years old.. he's completing all of his commitments but he needs friends at church.. we don't know what to do.. We are trying to help him.
Andrez and Tereza... they are just going to church right now... they aren't planning on marriage but we just need to strengthen their faith first.. Just its time now... we visit them just once a week... and they keep coming to church... so we are going to see what happens... it's just hard to progress when they need to take that big step.
Samantha... she is 15 years old.. and she's really great... she read the pamphlet and she really wants to go to church and get baptized... just takes time now... she really is so excited... she's always wondered why there is so many churches and we responded to that question and we responded to a bunch of her questions... Now we are working on the questions about the Book of Mormon...
We had 9 people at church... which was good. We had Gerrardo who came to church... and now he wants to be baptized he said... the only problem with him is finding him... he cuts our hair for free.. he's way awesome... we just need his help on his part... he told us like he wants to be baptized and everything... but now we are working on that... and he doesn't have a phone to communicate.
We are really running out of new investigators again... like me and my comp have talked to more then a third of the area... and we are running out of people so its hard... heh... so we are working hard with some members... but like heh... We are just thinking of new ideas.
Did you do anything fun for P-Day last week or this week?
No... we are too tired we just like clean and sit in the house... we eat at burger king everyweek though... and we make pancakes on pday... so thats super nice.
Man... the drunk people here can be crazy. We saw a man... he did a crazy dance in the street and it made me and my comp laugh so hard... he knows all the music I listen to.
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Cocoa the plant used to make Chocolate! Yum |

Kevin Was Baptized! YEAH! August 10, 2015
KEVIN gets Baptized! |
How was your week?
My week was really great... We had a long week... We worked really hard... Sometimes I get frustrated but try to focus on what I can do to make a difference. Its super difficult sometimes.
But we are working really well... Kevin Jennifer will be baptized this week also... George and Jenni a little bit later... But they brought Kevin and Jennifer to the baptism of Kevin and like the dad was sooo excited... He was like Levin this is you next week man... This will be us in a month after we get married also! They are soo amazing... They are going to be baptized and everything...
Elvia and her big family... They just will not come to church they are soo discouraged or something like they don't want to come to church ugh... They don't have the excitement anymore... Its really frustrating. Satan really works on new investigators.
Elena and Fernando... They are back!! They just keep coming to church and now they want to get married and the guy and the mom are getting the papers and getting married pretty soon!!! So it'll be good... They will be baptized in the church!!! But we still need to work on a way to go get the papers if things don't work out as planned...
Yes he did!! Finally!! Hes a great guy!! He was so happy!! It was a hard go... his mom didn't want to sign the paper for permission cause she goes to another church... but she did... He wants to go on a mission and everything.
Ummm... Saturday for dinner and lunch on Sunday and dinner on Sunday only this though.. but we are grateful for it.
We only have us in our area... in our district there are 6... all latinos and me, the gringo. hahaha
They Have the Spirit with Them Always! July 27,2015
How was your week?
Super fast heh!! We worked super hard. I miss elder cruz a bunch... I love that guy... Well, we had 18 at church and I had to give the class... ugh a little rough... hahaha I didnt plan cause it was like the teacher didn't show.
Super fast heh!! We worked super hard. I miss elder cruz a bunch... I love that guy... Well, we had 18 at church and I had to give the class... ugh a little rough... hahaha I didnt plan cause it was like the teacher didn't show.
What is your new companion's name?
Roberto LuceroEl Salvador... Hes a great guy he has a very strong testimony and left behind alot of things... Hes been a member for a lot of his life... 10 years ... he was activated about 8 months ago... Hes been shot 2 times...he's had some struggles but hes way cool... He really likes to work. I think he will learn really well ...
He has been out 5 days... he went to the MTC for 2 weeks then he came here on martes... so we are just getting to know eachother a bit... he's a great guy... he's a bit baggy... but its normal.
Xomara and Moises came to church!!! Goodness finally they're getting back on track. Moises is doing really well at reading and praying and going to church so that's way good....
Elena and Fernando... we hadn't visited Elena in a whole week and she just came to church... and we didn't invite her or anything cause my companion took our cell phone to San Pedro... so we talked to her after church and she said... "she knows that the church is true and that her and Fernando want to be married and baptized in the church"... they are soo excited to get married and baptized... I love them... they have the spirit with them always... they are always super excited when we come and listen really well... and they pray super sincero con Dios.
Elvia, Jacki, Cesar, Cesar Cesar, Noeli.... a family of 8 came to church... they love it so much! They all accepted a baptismal fecha... now we are working with them to get married... but they should get baptized in a few weeks they are sooo amazing they listen... but listen like as if in the states they bring the belt out if the kids talk, they really listen and stuff... it's so amazing. And like they all have testimonies and are going to be baptized just in time.
George and Jenni and Jennifer and Kevin.. They are amazing... the dad still can't come to church... but he's working on it the other part of the family they love it so much... they are so amazing... we are working to get them married but divorced also... we have sooo much to do... ugh...but the kids will be baptized in like 2 weeks or three weeks...
Then we have Kevin this week and we are trying to get him baptized and everything this week or the next we got him all the permission and everything... he wants to become a missionary also... I'm sooo excited for him!! He's sooo amazing... he really wants to go to the Temple also.
But I have to go love you all!!!
We Found a Family of 10! July 20, 2015
How was your week?
It was a very good week... we worked super hard this week also! We found some great people to teach... and we are working with the Ward a ton... Our ward is learning... But its just been a bit rough. We search for references we go make people sit by our investigators. Then we go talk to them with love; to help them catch the vision!
George and Jenni... and Jennifer and Kevin... and Kacey... Kacey is 3 years old... she is the cutest baby ever. And she finally talks to me... hahaha... But they are an amazing family... they invited us this week to Jennifers birthday... shes 10 now... and they are sooo amazing.. we talked for an hour with them.. They just had sooo many questions about the gospel... they want to get a divorced, from former spouses, and get married and come to church. That dad wants his son Kevin to recieve the priesthood. But we are working with them... We sang families can be together forever... me and my companion at the very end - it was soo spiritual... They all were about to cry and the dad was like yes I'm going to try and get work off... and everything to come to church. They are sooo amazing. they can be one of the strongest families in the church if they commit and come.
We found a family of 10 and they came to church this week! Cesar, Cesar, Cesar, Elvia, Candy, Luis, Luis, Noemi, Jesus, Jackie, I can't remember the rest of the names... but it was so amazing.. I was on divisions teaching this family on Saturday... and they all came and sat around everysingle one... we just had to invite them... the mom and dad got there belts out so if one of the kids talked they would just hit them... It was sooo reverent... we shared the Restoration... and right when we got to Joseph Smith.. it started dumping rain.. so we went inside.... then I finished up Joseph Smith then right when I finished a lightining bolt struck like 100 yards away... and like the house shook... and the electricity shut off... and it was soooo crazy... we finished up sharing... then they just asked when they all can be baptized... LETS GOOOO! hahaha
So we just need to put the fecha now... I finished teaching them in the dark but we had to leave.
Kevin... he didn't come to church... we dont know what happened...
Xiomara and Moises... ugh... only Moises went to church now.. Xiomara is super unexcited so we teach and weve tried everything... Moises keeps coming to church and doing the right things. We'll keep working and praying for them.
Did you get Martha and Dulce to church this week?
No.... WhenI was on divisions we went and visited them... We read 3 Nefi 11... with them 3 through 14... and it is my favorite chapter... when jesus comes down... and man we shared powerful testimonies and she began to cry... and like she just knows its true.... we had a problem with her in the week though... she lets doubt creep in. We're praying for her too.
Do you know if you are staying in your same area?
I think so... we find out today or tomorrow... so we will see..
How was church this week?
Another good week... 12 at church... but really like 20... we had a bunch of little kids at church... the attendance was 69... 19 of our investigators with kids... and the rest members... We need to get to our goal of 100 by October! Working so hard. We need the wards help! Pray for them.
We Found a Super Great Family! July 13, 20015
Are you using mosquito spray, that stuff we sent you, I noticed a lot of incidence of Dengue and you need to avoid that??
Im using it... we have off also...
Do they have mosquito spray down there that you can buy?
Yes we get it from president...
Do you sleep with a mosquito net?
No but with a fan...
How about you're apartment is it air conditioned?
Do you keep the windows open when you sleep etc?
No... and we have screens... I never get bit in the nightl...
Were you able to get those baptisms?
No.... we are having one this week and 6 coming up...
How are you and your comp doing?
We KILLED IT... I finally brought up a bit... when my comp gets rolling he won't stop hahaha... we pumped out a new high 60 lessons... and 14 investigators at church. my comp went NUTS! It was awesome. We should have baptisms coming up.
What are you studying in the mornings?
Preach my gospel chapter 4... I study tons in the mornings. I also study preach my gospel a ton... with the Book of Mormon. And I've been reading the bible. I've been studying the life of Peter. Look up a talk by President Uchtdorf in the 2014 conference for Presidents of Missions... it talks about the missionary I want to be.. heh...
How is your stomach doing?
Its fine... right now I'm a bit sick... but its normal.. I'm good
How was your week?
It was a great week... A very hard week but we are working super hard.. We really got working... My comp is amazing as soon as we get going.
We found a super great family. I feel that they will get baptized - Jenni 29 George 29 Kevin 12 Jennifer 9 Kacey 3.... But the family is amazing they accepted the Restoration super well and they were all ready when we came by and brought people to church... man they are awesome... We felt the spirit so strong in the 2 lessons we have had with them. Now we just need to get them married and baptized... ugh... married... but george is super smart and can read really well... they live humble but they are amazing he will be a leader in the church.
Martha and Dulce... Ugh they have a baptismal date... but they didn't come to church because of a mis-communication... Saturday we came to her house at 2 o'clock and she had left but Sunday we found her and she was sooo mad at us. she thougth that we said 12 oclock... (dos... doce) it sounds the same. and she was like you guys I missed something important to listen to you - and - yeah it was bad.
Kevin... he is 15.. hes great... we just need permission to baptize him... he is soo inerested... and if we baptize him he will go on a mission... he loves the plan of salvation... his cousin died last week... so hes way into the lesson... and he reads and goes to church by himself... so its amazing.
Cesar 8... Cesia 16... Maria 38... This family is amazing like I explained but Maria didn't come to church but cesar y cesia vinieron a la iglesia este Domingo... Ellos son super maxizo.. Shoot... they are way awesome.. they came and the members actually helped us with them so they liked church.
Gerardo... Is 15 and all his family goes to church and are members... just him... he goes to church.. the only problem is finding him... he should be baptized this Saturday before my comp leaves... but we will see I guess... my comps done after this week... so we will see... lets pray so..
Fransisco is amazing... but he might be baptized so we are looking... if there is no record we have to baptize him again, so we are searching... if not he will be reactivated.
Xiomara and Moises... ugh!!! They said they don't want to get married anymore or anything... and we are fighting with satan... we are trying... so we will see this week... ugh... so hard.
Familia Rivera... they are great.. the dad, Ramon his brother, who goes to church in the same ward, is a super active member... so we are working with Ramon 45, Reina 45, Wendy 19, Gustabo 16, and Belquis 13, but they are a bit green right now.. we will see how it goes..
we gave them one of ours... we have 4 in the house and I just told my comp we are taking one... but... they aren't progressing much right now... they left to another place in mosquitia for like 3 weeks.
Really good! We had 14 at church... and the highest attendance like ever we had 87 people... Usually about 72 so it was all investigators... But we are working with the ward cause if they go visit... then we will have so much more success.... ugh we are praying the bishop can help us.
Yes... tons more... I'm like in the center of La Ceiba... I can buy like whatever I need.
Its been a Year, Only get one more! It's going fast - July 6, 2015
It was a very long week... We worked our butts off... We have some great people we are working with... we found 29 new people to teach... heh!
Alright first funny story... So we did divisions this sunday and I went with a joven to bring people to church... and we went and we were knocking on our investigators doors to get them to go to church... and we go up to this door of a man named Jackson, he's 40ish, And I'm yelling Buenas!!! in front of his house, (it's like knocking on the door in honduras) And im waiting and nothing happens. So I pull open the door... and this is just to his gate, and he's just buck naked, he's showering, and I just couldnt talk I just was like overwhelmed hahahaha.... and I just released the door and it slammed shut... and we yelled to invite him to church and he didnt come... haha oh gosh... so awkward.
Then we taught Elena and Fernando more... They are soo amazing... the only thing is... is the papers so it'll just take time... everyone in La Ceiba is getting Dengue and stuff... so they didn't come to church... cause they both got sick... ugh... and we gave them a bed. They slept in a room the size of our laundry room and they were sick sleeping on the wood floor. And I look at my comp, I'm like we are going to give them a bed right now. I don't care if president gets mad at me. I cant stand looking at this! So we gave them a bed.
Then we found a bunch of mosquitos - like the people from mosquitia - and we found 10 of them... and we sat and taught them all. They are all really interested and liked our message that we shared with them... We only shared about faith and the family but they loved it! And 2 of them went to church.
Maria... She is a lady shes about 35 years old... She is super amazing. She accepted our invitation to church and we taught her all of lesson 1 the restoration after church and she loved it. She really wants to know... She said she will pray and ask God; cause one of her friends told her that everyone talks about about the mormons. But her friend prayed and askGod and had a dream that this church is the only true church. Shes really looking for happiness in her life.
Cesar - he also went to church; He' s a mosquito... he's super shy but he's a great guy. He can't really speak well in spanish or read or write but in mosquitia he can. After church he wanted to come visit with us. So we took him and he showed us all of his friends and when we were walking in the street with him. We felt a prompted to just give him a baptismal fecha. He accepted and we just will have to teach him a bit slowly. After hes baptized he will understand more cause he will have the gift of the holy ghost.
Kevin - we found a kid who was super interested in our message. he's 15 he was very interested in what happens after this life... he wanted to know what he can to do make it back to our Heavenly Father. So we taught part of lesson 2 the Plan of Salvation and part of lesson 1 the restoration, and wow.,he went to church and he loved it. He has lots of friends there. But today we found out that his brother died last week. So we feel so bad... but we are so happy that this message is perfect that we can share about baptisms for the dead.
Xomara and Moises- just time, nothing really new here.
Johnny - a man we found, he's a great guy he's 27. If he gets baptized he will be such a great leader in the church. We have been praying specifically for great leaders in the church cause this is what the ward needs... so we have been finding amazing people. He got Dengue so he couldnt come to church this week - but this next week he should be coming.
Fransisco -hes fecha might fall... cause he might be baptized... he always told us he was baptized. But he NEVER specified what church - hahaha... so we kept explaining authority like idiots hahaha... and he finally was like I was in your church. BUT he might not have recieved the spirit cause he never went back to church so we will see.
Then we got a lady named Dulce. She's awesome, we put her date with her the first day we met her. She makes hammocks for a living. She loves the plan of salvation cause her husband was killed. We were prompted to talk about it and she felt so much peace. So we are really working with her these days.
Can you believe it is your hump day in a couple of days, wow one year out?
Heh.... SO fast - And at the same time slow. it's a weird feeling. It's like you want the end to come but you never want it to come. Because helping people here is the most amazing thing. I think I might ask president for an extension... I'm not sure - it's not time to think about that yet though haha.
How was church this week?
It was super good... President Klein came to our ward randomly - but it was amazing. We shared our testimonies me and my comp and then President Klein. He wrote me a note today. He is so kind!
Did you have fast sunday? How are the fast sundays there (lots of testimonies)?
Yes we did... we had a ward fast also for our investigators and we have a game going throughout the ward with references and stuff and we pray it works - we will see. Well its a bit different here... if one person in the family shares then the whole family has to come up... and they ALL stand at the pulpet as a family and one by one they share. It's always special.
Any luck with any of the couples getting their papers to get married?
Slowly and surely... we are going...
Is your ward/branch there covered with bishop, relief society, etc.?
We have everything but a 2nd councelor in the bishopric...
What's your plans for hump day?
Umm. Not for now... tomorrow I go on divisions with a gringo! Elder Andrews my DL!
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